Aaron Thomas Shares His Journey to Niche Success with Prenups.com

Aaron Thomas is an attorney and the founder of Prenups.com.

He has been practicing family law since 2007 and has a background in litigation and high net worth clients.

Aaron is passionate about helping couples understand the legal aspects of marriage and specializes in prenuptial agreements.

Aaron Thomas, founder of Prenups.com, shares his journey from working in a high-end family law firm to starting his own practice and eventually niching down into prenuptial agreements.

He emphasizes the importance of taking a step back and evaluating your goals before making a big career move.

Aaron also discusses the benefits of focusing on a specific niche and how it allows you to become an expert in that area.

He highlights the unique approach of Prenups.com, which combines online access with personalized guidance from an attorney.

Aaron also talks about his recently published book, "The Prenup Prescription," which aims to change the perception of prenuptial agreements and help couples build a strong financial foundation for their marriage.


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The Prenup Prescription for a Thriving Marriage